Thursday 28 March 2013



This blogpost will show evidence of our script for our media product. One script will be the main diegetic script (the words to be said in the actual scenes) and a non-diegetic script (the script for our voice over script).

Main diegetic script

Bathroom scene

 (Sitting in the toilet, looking at the scar on her arm. Young brother walks in and questions her. She hides her scar and storms out of the room)

*voiceover from the webcam
Boy: (sees girl in the toilet) looks at her

(girl looks at boy, and body language becomes protective. She looks down and storms out)

*voiceover from the webcam

(girl walks into the living room, stands at the doorway and sees her father, drunk, lying on the sofa, passed out)

Father:  (mumbling and ranting in a drunken tone)

*voiceover from the webcam

(tears swell up in her eyes and runs to her bedroom)

(she lies on her bed crying and cue flashbacks)

Flashback scene

Camera fades to the flashback (black and white)

Bedroom scene

*Voiceover from the webcam

(Gets up off the bed and goes to the webcam and finishes off the story as to what happen to her)

Camera cuts to blank screen

(Ending of webcam scene where she is finally telling the audience what actually had happened to her. Finishing the story with her death and her brother standing at the doorway.)

Non-diegetic script


* Walks upstairs *

This broke down house… these people. Imagine life with a mum and dad. A small family. No problems, no worries, just us sitting on the beach watching the sunset go down while mama gets out the sandwiches from the asda bag. But that isn’t what my life is about. Having no mother, drugged up father and him…

There was always that empty space in my heart. I’ve always wanted someone to hold me. To tell me they love me. Someone to just talk to all night without saying a word. I know it sounds stupid but I’ve never felt love. I want to be heartbroken. I want to cry over a guy who had my heart… but they hear my stories and don’t talk but the whispers are loud. They look at but don’t stare. I see the look in their eyes. It sickens me. 

*sitting in bed, staring out the window*
Broken floor, tight space…. No room, no air it feels as if I’m suffocating. There’s no light at the end of the tunnel.. no escape..
All these children outside, its just so beautiful how childhood can be, and its not fair how I was snatched off mine so easily. I want to feel the wind rush through my hair as I ride on my bike, or the comforting feeling of having a group of friends that I can confide in.
But people just stare. Only glare, which sends chills down my spine.
I feel nothing but depression, I can’t eat, the taste buds in my mouth are dead, The house smells like a rotting corpse lingers constantly in my nose. My eyes feel so heavy and sore from the constant flow of tears rolling down my cheeks and the sleepless nights has drained the life out of me.
My ears are surrounded by the groans and moan of my good-for-nothing, drugged up father, who cares more about his next fix, rather than caring about his own daughter. I feel disgusted to ever brand him as a “dad”.  My skin crawls as I can feel his dirty grubby little fingers running all over me, I can never feel the same again…
I am a soul-less body, which is constantly tormented by that night. The night which will haunt me forever.
*Flashback scenes*
(no sound from the girl, sounds from the flashback)
*webcam scene*
after all you heard, you think you can picture my life right? But you have no fucking idea how my life is!! I know your feeling sympathy but don’t there’s no point, the scars are so skin deep that no amount of time or talking can heal it.
I wish I was numb, no aching, no crying. The depression is so strong that the suicidal feelings are hard to override, but that may be my only escape. Its not like anyone will realize I’m gone… (Girl sits staring into air for a minute)
Is blood thicker than water…

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