Thursday 14 February 2013

Evaluation for one minute production


In this blog post  I am going to evaluate my one minute single camera production. The questions I am going to analyse are;
  • What is your one minute single camera production about?
  • Who was your target audience? was this successful?
  • How well did each person fulfill their roles within the group?
  • Where there any problems? If so, how did you overcome them?
  • What were your strengths and weaknesses?
  • What improvements did you make and why?
  • What will you do next time?
What is your one minute single camera production about?

Our one minute single camera production is based on the romantic comedy genre. The plot starts off with a boy talking on Facebook to an anonymous girl. The scene then switches to him talking into the camera (audience) about how attractive this girl is. The scene then switches to the girl talking to the boy over Facebook  but it does not show her face. This is to keep the identity of the girl hidden. She then talks about how she is going to arrange a meeting with him, and how excited she is.

The scene then cuts to their meeting at the park, and the camera shows them from the opposite sides of the pond. The don't see each other until the boy spots her from far. He decides to move in closer and sees that she is not what he expected. To reassure himself, he hides behind a tree to look at her and is horrified at the shock. He then tries to avoid her and makes a run for it, leaving her in the park to look for him.

Who was your target audience? was this successful?

Our audience for our minute production are both male and female users from the ages of 16-30 who are regular users of Facebook or other social networking websites. Our film effectively met the standards/expectations of our target audience as it contained the humour, language and style which relates to our audience.

How well did each person fulfill their roles within the group?

I feel we all fulfilled our roles appropriately and all took charge and responsibility for tasks which play to our strengths to help achieve a successful production piece. We also carried out good communication, as we helped to update each other on any missing or absent information to help us keep on target for our grades.

We did this by splitting our tasks into three sections (pre-production, production and post production). I carried out the pre-production tasks by structuring our information and posting it into the appropriate blog posts. My team members helped us all to fulfill these tasks by carrying out the research behind the information and passing it to me through emails, images and blog posts.

Marian then carried out the production tasks, as she has strengths such as ideas and creativity to help film the appropriate scenes for our one minute single camera production. She also organised and got permission for our characters and locations, to enable us to film according to our schedule. We as team members helped to give input on what we think may be effective or appropriate for our film.

Shuab then carried out our post-production tasks as he has the skills and knowledge for the editing software due to previous experiences. He carried out the editing tasks for the film, by sorting out the technical features for our sound and visual scenes. We helped him as a team by again giving our input and opinions on what sound tracks or effects that should put in/used.

Overall, I feel we worked efficiently as a team as we all completed tasks according to our strengths and by maintaining efficient communication, we completed tasks on time and to the best of our ability.

Where there any problems? If so, how did you overcome them?

The problems that came up within our group were sudden changes in the characters, as we had originally got permission for a different actress, but due to personal problems, she was unable to do it. But we resolved the matter by getting another actress in time, and continued creating our production piece according to our schedule.

Another problem which arose during the process of filming our single camera technique product was that weather conditions got worse (snow, ice and fog) during our production timings (filming our scenes). So it was quite difficult to travel from different locations, and when we had to film outside, it caused a few problems, but we resolved it by dressing suitably for the weather and using the appropriate transport methods to get to our locations.

The final problem which occurred during our one minute production was that a few absences occurred due to problems like exams and illnesses, but we resolved the problems by updating and letting our team members know in advance if we were unable to attend.

What were your strengths and weaknesses?

The strengths throughout the duration of making our product was that we managed to keep on track of tasks, completed tasks to the best of our ability and according to our time-frames, kept good communication and worked well as a team.

I feel these were our strengths as it helped us to create a good one minute single camera product to the best of our ability and according to our deadlines. Also good teamwork was a strength as it helped us create a product that we were all proud of and according to what we wanted.

Our weaknesses in the production of our work was that we had a few absences and unfortunate weather problems, but we managed to resolve them and work together to help fulfill the roles or tasks which were missing.

What will you do next time (improvements)?

The changes that we will make next time are that we will complete all our pre-production tasks before we start production to ensure everything is completed on time and in order. Another change that we will make is that as the weather will be better, and because days will be longer, we will be more adventurous with our locations to help create a more effective product.

Also to improve our next product, we will ensure that we constantly update our diary log weekly, to ensure we stay on top of tasks and records. Finally, to help improve the quality of our film, we will try to get hold of equipment such as microphones and lighting, as we had slight problems and interference with our sound quality when we was outside.

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