Monday 22 October 2012

Narrative structures


In this blog post, I am going to provide examples and explain;
  • what are the different forms of narrative structures (linear, non-linear, single strand and multi strand)
  • the different types of narrative structures (flashback, realist, anti-realistic and dramatic irony)
  • the different endings of narrative structures (cliffhanger, open ended and closed ended).
  • and I am also going to explain the advantages and disadvantages of these structures.

Forms of narrative structures:

Linear (sequential): Linear or sequential narratives are when stories flow in a chronological order with a start, middle and end. The products include no flashbacks or dream sequences. Everything happens in present time order.

The advantages of a linear structure is that the audience understands what is going on and the plot is carried out in order. The disadvantages of a linear structure is that it is quiet boring and predictable on what is going to happen.

An example of a linear media product is Coronation Street. This is because it continues its plots in a chronological order.

Non-linear (non-sequential): A non-linear or non-sequential narrative structures are when stories do not follow a chronological order and the plot is distorted due to time (past, present and future). These kind of products usually include effects such as flash-backs and reverse narrative.

The advantages of a non-linear product is that it can take the audience to the past/future tense to help them understand the situation. The disadvantages of non-linear products is that it can confuse the audience if the story is not in chronological order.

An example of a non-linear narrative is the film Inception. This is because it uses a lot of flashbacks and dream sequences to make up the story of the film.

Single strand: Single strand narrative structures is when the plot is focused on one main protagonist and his story.

The advantages of a single strand narrative is that it helps the audience to focus on one character and his story. The disadvantages of a single strand narrative is that the story would be boring because other factors are not involved to the build up of the story.

A example of a single strand narrative is Spiderman. This is because the plot of the film is focused on one main protagonist.

Multi strand: Multi strand narrative structure is when several characters are involved to create one story. So the story is shown from various points of view.

The advantages of a multi strand narrative is that it allows the audience to see all sides of a story and get a better picture, but the disadvantages is that the views may be biased, and the audience may favour one view to another.

An example of a multi strand narrative is CSI: Miami. This is because it shows plots from different points of view with the people involved.

Types of narrative structures:

Flashback: Flashback dramas are products which included inserted scenes in the present tense, which have already occured in the past tense.

The advantages of a flashback scene is that the audience understands what has happened before, and how it will affect the story in the present tense. The diadvantages of flashback scenes are that it may confuse the audience as the story is not in sequencial order.

An example of a flashback drama is Family guy. This animation product shifts scenes back and forth in past and present tenses to complete the story.

Realist: Realist dramas are products which are based on real life plots or stories. These plots are made to be believable towards real situations.

The advantages of realist dramas are that the audience can relate to the plot as it is believable, but the disadvantages of realist dramas are that they can be boring and repetitive as the same stories are shown with no imagination.

An example of a realist drama is Eastenders. This is because the plot uses real life situations and products to create a story.

Anti-realist: Anti-realist dramas are media products which use surreal ideas or dreams to help create a story. These products use a lot of CGI (computer generated images) and special effects to create the product.

The advantages of a anti-realist drama is that it is more exciting and intreguing to the audience as it is more creative and contexts can happen which happen in the audience's wildest dreams. The disadvantages of a anti-realist drama is that it may not be believeable and can look fake/unneffective.

An example of a anti-realist drama is Doctor Who. This is because they use a lot of special effects and unrealistic scenes to create a plot.

Dramatic irony: " Dramatic Irony occurs when the reader or spectator knows more about the true state of affairs then the characters themselves." (1) Dramatic irony is when the audience knows what is happening, but the plot characters dont know.

The advantages of a dramatic irony drama is that the audience has a more indepth knowledge on the situation and will be interested in how the story will resolve itself back to the state of equilibrium. But the disadvantages of a dramatic irony drama is that it is frustrating for the audience in the sense that the characters are so naive in what is happening and the story is not completing.

An example of dramatic irony is Fresh Prince Of Bel Air. This product uses dramatic irony because the audience follows tha protagonist, sees what he gets up to behind his family's back and then shows how he resolves the situation.

Endings of narrative structures:

Cliffhanger: A cliffhanger drama is when a media product finishes, leaving the audience in suspense for a longer period of time. The types of products to use cliff hangers are films and games.

The advantages of a cliffhanger drama is that it keeps the audience engaged within the story till the end and keeps them talking and wondering what happened. The disadvantages is that the audience will never know what happened, which will frustrate them.

An example of a cliff hanger product is Harry Potter. This is because audiences have to wait a longer time for the next sequel to be released which leaves the audience in a more prolonged period of suspense.

Open ended: An open ended product is when the drama finishes with the audience guessing what will happen next. They leave the audience in suspense by cutting off the end of the story and leaving no clue on what will happen.

The advantages of a open ended drama is that it keeps the audience guessing and eager to watch the next episode. The disadvantages of an open ended drama is that the audience may get frustrated because they dont get a complete story.

An example of a open ended drama is Revenge. This drama is open ended because it contains episodes which continue the story on from where it lasts finishes.

Closed ended: A closed ended product is when the drama shows a complete and finished story. The product has a start, middle and end or uses Torodov's narrative theory of equilibrium to show a full story.

The advantages of a closed ended product is that it satisfies the audience by showing a full story and they dont have to wait for the next part.  The disadvantages of  a closed ended product is that the story does not continue over a period of time and it decreases tha amount of viewers if aired again because most of the audience knows what happens.

An example of a closed ended product is Evan Almighty. This is because the film shows a start, middle and ending to the story.

Bibliography: (22/10/2012)

(1) (22/10/2012) (22/10/2012) (22/10/2012)

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