Friday 19 October 2012

Genre and technical examples of single camera productions


In this blog post, I am going to provide examples of different drama genres which use single camera techniques and I am going to analyse the technical uses of sound, lighting and camera angles used within the media product.

Genre examples

Sci Fi - Doctor who (2)

Single camera techniques: Doctor Who has shown examples of single camera techniques used when The Doctor is having a conversation with his sidekick, Rose. This shows proof of the use of single camera techniques as there are edits of over the shoulder shots showing the conversation.

Sound: The sound includes lots of sound effects to help the scene match the sound (diegetic sounds), and there are use of sound tracks to emphasise emotions within the shot. E.g slow music for sad scenes and energetic music for fast/hyper scenes.

Lighting: The lighting included within Doctor Who were natural and background light for normal/outside frames to help set the scene, but in action scenes there is use of special lighting, such as coloured lights, filler, key and back lights.

Camera angles: The camera angles that were mostly used in a Sci Fi drama using single camera techniques are long shots and high angled shots. This is so the drama fills the scene and all of the effects and action is shown in the frames.

Comedy - Miranda (3)

Single camera techniques: Miranda shows use of single camera techniques because when the protagonist is making a joke, she talks directly at the audience to engage them in the program. To signify that she is talking to the audience, the camera angles shift to show that she is jumping out of the context she is in, to talk to the audience. This effect uses editing and single camera techniques.

Sound: The sound effects that are included within a comedy sitcom that uses single camera techniques are canned laughter when the protagonist does/says something funny. The other sound is regular voices that are included within the scene (diegetic).

The lighting used are normal background and key lighting to let the audience know that they are with the characters in the program and the program is not staged.

Camera angles:
Most of the camera angles included are mid shots, to capture the motion and emotion of the characters, so they can fully understand what is going to happen.

Crime - CSI: Miami (4)

Single camera techniques: CSI: Miami shows use of single camera techniques when it uses editing and takes in showing a surrounding environment in a crime scene. There are different camera angles and shots taken to show the surrounding of a scene and they are joined together using editing techniques to show the audience what is happening.

Sound: The sound used are natural diegetic sounds that are included within the scene and it included backing music tracks to create emphasis on the situation created. It includes dramatic music to build suspense and fast music to create excitment in action scenes.

Lighting: The lighting used is darker and mainly back and filler lights. This is because it will create tension and suspence, which is the type of emotion they wish to portray.

Camera angles:
The camera angles used are close-ups and mid shots to show the emotion of the scene to the audience.

Period Drama - Downton Abbey (5)

Single camera techniques: Downton Abbey shows proof on the use of single camera techniques by taking repeated shots of a group conversation that a couple of characters have. The camera angles are individual mid shots of the group and the scene changes from each character as they are speaking.

Sound: There is regular diegetic sounds included within the scene as well as delicate and small sounds to help create the tension within the frame. It includes sound tracks like deep dramatic music and uplifting music for emotion.

The lighting used are low dim tones to represent the era in which the program is representing (old, victorian times). This is because there was no electricity and the creators wanted the program feel authentic. There is use of filler lights to help make the scene a little clearer and to help the natural light surroundings.

Camera angles:
The camera angles that are included mainly in period dramas are over the shoulder shots and mid shots, so it can capture the drama happening between two protagonists and capture the emotion being shown.

Teen dramas - Hollyoaks (6)

Single camera techniques: The use of single camera techniques are shown in a teen drama when they switch from different storylines. This is proof of single camera production because the camera uses editing to switch characters/settings/storylines.

Sound: There is use of diegetic sounds included within the frames to make the scene sound natural and they include use of music in the background which relates to the mood of the environment. e.g. slow music for emotional scenes.

The lighting used are natural lighting to help the audience feel as if they are within the drama and scenes. This helps the audience get into the story and get the full emotion trying to be portrayed.

Camera angles:
There are various camera angles used within teen dramas as they try to capture all the emotion and action happening in the scene. Some examples of angles used are over the shoulder shots, mid shots, long shots, panning and tracking, etc.

Thriller - Revenge (7)

Single camera techniques: Thriller dramas such as revenge shows proof on the use of single camera techniques by using a lot of editing and retakes when doing fast chase or suspense scenes. There is use of different camera angles and constant scene changes to create the build up of tension for the audience.

Sound: The sound used in the drama are diegetic sounds of people talking, machinery, animals, sea waves, etc. but it also included dramatic sound tracks to build suspense and an atmosphere within the scene.

The lighting is very dark and dull to create a sense of mystery and tension within the scenes. it is mostly natural light and filler lights to help light up the scene, but to make sure it creates shadows.

Camera angles:
The camera angles mostly used within this thriller genre drama are close up shots and over the shoulder shots. This is to create drama and tension, and to show the conversation between the protagonists.


(2) (18/10/2012)

(3) (18/10/2012)

(4) (18/10/2012)

(5) (18/10/2012)

(6) (18/10/2012)

(7) (18/10/2012)

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